Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Error Analysis

In the table the inputs or x-values increase by 5 ,meaning the slope has to be different. A equation that represents the table is y = 2x + 9.

The student checked the shown equation wrong because they didn't plug the solution in to the other equation. When you plug in (1,-2) in to x + 4y = -5 you get 1-8=5 which is -7 = 5 meaning no solution.

22. The inequality y < x + 3 is graphed incorrectly because the line should have a dashed line instead of a bold straight line. When an equation has a < or > sign and it doesn't have a line underneth them you must graph the line as a dashed line through the points that make up the slope of the equation.

23. The inequality y > -3x - 4 is graphed incorreclt because the inequality should be shaded above the line instead of below the line. When you have y > an equality you must shade above the graph to show that the y-intercept  is greater than the inequality.

For #20, the line should be dashed because it is >. In #21, the shaded area should be

below the absolute value line because y <.

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